About Me

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Konichiwa, My name is Kento Kelley. I am currently a senior student at High Tech High International. I am half Japanese and half American. My favorite hobbies are photography and graphic designing. Please, enjoy this blog about my archived assignments of Government/Sociology.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


I am happy to say that I got my CANON EOS REBEL T1i my first DSLR camera this month :D. I have been taking pictures for awhile and have been interested in photography since I was 9 years old using disposable, and regular film cameras. I then started using regular digital cameras that were up to 3.2 - 5 MP's and using celluar phones to get different types of shots. All of my photos are at this site.


If you also have a flickr account make sure to add meh. Peace.

Hope ya like. Enjoy :D

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Resource Management Project - Infrastructure Going Green

The resource that I have chosen was an all around topic which is talked about nationally and internationally which is infrastructure. Infrastructure today is what the third world to first world countries need to sustain life. I chose San Diego, California because there is a representative who lives in California and is the only representative from California, Bob Filner. Infrastructure is known to have many programs; San Diego city has a program called the ‘Impact Program’.

The Impact Program that is used in San Diego, California is explained in this article, "Infrastructure Impact Program" by the city of San Diego, explains how they have been using the Impact Program since the year of 1993. The reason this program was created is stated as, "to minimize the negative impacts on small businesses due to large sale public improvements...etc" (Infrastructure Impact Program). The entire article explains the correlation of all businesses that has the need to press on toward any infrastructural plan to be some successful in the end. This article argues that the program is sufficient enough to have a good infrastructure in San Diego.

Currently, the infrastructure is not being mismanaged in San Diego California, but the problem is that the contributions of pollution that San Diego is giving off are huge. Though we know that public vehicles and other machinery that are using fossil fuels are bad for the environment, thus the people, we are also creating a hazard toward the earth and the people with our buildings. Chemicals and resources like carbon, electricity, and gasoline are all being concentrated in the buildings because there is not a way out; the building is concealed. Facts say that the chemicals that are contained in a building create three times more of an affect to have someone diagnosed with cancer.

We need to create a better environment by using energy saving equipments that can be used over and over again. The city Amsterdam has created a 1,200 household energy saving equipment and is one of the first cities to become eco friendly famously named as "Smart City". In the article, "Amsterdam: A Smart City Goes Live," by Mark Scott explains how with a great change to decrease the pollution to the atmosphere reports that a company NUON stated “were in the right place at the right time". As Scott reports all of the good and great things about the eco friendly equipment, there are great examples of how countries today are contributing to the fact of pollution.