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Konichiwa, My name is Kento Kelley. I am currently a senior student at High Tech High International. I am half Japanese and half American. My favorite hobbies are photography and graphic designing. Please, enjoy this blog about my archived assignments of Government/Sociology.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Letter to Representative Bob Filner

The Honorable Bob Filner
333 F Street, Suite A
Chula Vista, CA 91910
United States House of Representatives
Washing, DC 20515

Dear Representative Filner,
I am writing to express my ideas of a better built Eco-friendly infrastructure for the city of San Diego. To this present day, the main factor to global warming and pollutants that are released into the atmosphere are the mass built infrastructures that are in the downtown San Diego area. Though it may seem that public and individual transportation are a huge contributor to the pollution of the earth, buildings give off excess toxic chemicals that are three times stronger than the pollutants outside and this is known as the “Sick Building Syndrome”. The common resources used in infrastructures that causes “Sick Building Syndrome” are carbon, water, and electricity. These chemical elements are released outside into the atmosphere, thus creating a stronger global warming barrier where then the earth retains more heat that it does normally. These which become highly concentrated are then entered into our body which hurts us unanimously which is why I am asking you representative Filner, to help turn San Diego’s downtown city into a green and Eco friendly city to set an example to other national and possible international cities.

I also would like you to do a wide search of cities that are already going towards the change of becoming Eco friendly with different high technological equipment that we do not have such as Amsterdam, Vancouver, and Sydney. Doing this and starting the build of enhancing San Diego will have other countries emulating it as well. Finally I also would like to have the Chairman’s of all who are in charge of Infrastructures around the world to benefit the going green process so that we can save not just the earth but our people as well.

We the people are currently arguing and complaining about how we are becoming paranoid because of how pollution in the world is destroying our atmosphere etc. If we actually cared about this dire situation, then we would have changed our infrastructure a long time ago to save not only the earth but the people. Many foreign countries are going green such as Amsterdam. San Diego and all national cities and countries need to flip a coin on either going green to live or go gray for death. We must live on to create a ecological foot print saying we are the care takers of this earth and we choose to live on, we need to create and Eco friendly place for the near leading children. This is our home.


Bryan Kento Kelley

2220 Palermo Dr. Apt #2
San Diego, CA. 92106

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