About Me

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Konichiwa, My name is Kento Kelley. I am currently a senior student at High Tech High International. I am half Japanese and half American. My favorite hobbies are photography and graphic designing. Please, enjoy this blog about my archived assignments of Government/Sociology.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Writing in Reverse: Un-Lucky Bob Delaney

After viewing and looking at the New York Turnstile photography that was taken from Bill Sullivan, we were to then choose out of the photos taken of the people to create a creative/fictional writing piece. This consisted on what the person is wearing, facial expressions, and the atmosphere around them. Knowing nothing about the person, we were to create our own version of their life's story or even that was happening at the moment.

Walking through the uncompressed doors of the subway and following the click clatter of the crowds feet walks Bob Delaney. He walks out and about with his favorite FM tunes on with his over sized behemoth looking headphones. He walks through the cold silver turnstile exits of the subway and suddenly over heard a talk radio show explaining that the next caller in a half an hour would win tickets to the Taylor Swift concert. Bob's face became flushed, the corners of his mouth started to rise. Bob then starts to suddenly sprint, weaving through the crowds in and out, side to side to get to a payphone. He runs through hallways and up and down the complicated designed stairways to get towards a similar goal that everyone has, which was to get out of the subway terminals. But suddenly the crowd stopped moving as Delaney kept running. Then a sudden crash that sounded like fire works in Delaney's head went off when he ran into the crowd and collapsed to dusted cold tiled floor. No one but one person turned around in the crowd to make sure the 34 year old Bob Delaney was alright. Bob then opens his eyes and his eyes blurred by the head on collision he had with the crowd created a imperfect picture through his peripherals. He rubs his eyes and when opened, his eyes auto focused as a camera would and laid eyes upon a beautiful brown eyed brunette girl that was similar to his age. But before the woman could speak, Delaney rushes off to the nearest pay phone which was 5 minutes away. Though Delaney did not notice that he has left his business card on the floor when he left the brunenette hair colored woman. Delaney finally gets to the pay phone and shuffles through his pockets to find $1.25 cents to hurry and call the radio show. The phone rang once, then twice, then a third, then a voice came up and said that "sorry but you were the second caller". Delaney drops to his knees and goes toward his apartment complex and off he stomps up the stairs into the old wooden door with a number 3 on it and as he enters he then plops down on his bed and sleeps. As days go bye, he still gets the though of how great the Taylor Swift concert would have been great if he was able to go. He knew that today, September 8, 2009 is the Taylor Swift concert at precisely 5:30 pm. The clock turned to 5:00 pm and Bob Delaney cleans up his desk and starts to walk home, but when approaching his door he gets a phone call. He answers and hears a woman talking, she asks if his name was Bob Delaney. Bob nodding his head saying yes at the same time was having a heart racing moment thinking that he was being watched, then he hears chuckling on the other end of the phone and the woman explains that she has Taylor Swift tickets and wanted to know if he would go with her. He explained where to meet and so he rushed to his apartment to change and left in a cab as soon as possible. Delaney then gets to the middle of town square where the concert was being uphold and then feels a slight tap on the shoulder. Bob turns around and notices that it was the woman who he ran into at the subway and hurriedly sprinted away. The brunette haired lady smiled and said hello, while Bob Delaney's grin that faltered when hearing that he was the second caller arose into a grin, then into a huge smile as he walked with the brunette hair colored woman into the concert.

1 comment:

  1. i like the way the story flows, also the descriptive language. good job.
